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  1. …in reply to @stayynin
    stayynin dikignwn ec9157f7bcb3426 menghanyurkan jangan lupa versi lengkapnya;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. …in reply to @CheckOutTerus
    CheckOutTerus maroonsprinkle grfce ya ini bukti resi palsu karena aplikasi BRImo pakai font Avenir, tapi si pengirim nambahin data palsu pakai font Roboto; perbedaanya bisa dilihat di angka "6" dan "9";
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. …in reply to @txtdarigajelas
    txtdarigajelas apakah ini marketing stuntnya gopayindonesia?
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. …in reply to @morkleechan
    morkleechan yo turut berduka cita atas kejadian ini, gw ga tau sih tapi apa TeamYouTube juga sering cek komplain bahasa Indonesia? btw dia join 20 desember, bikin konten sejak 2 bulan lalu... jadi sepertinya channel ini udah direncanain sejak awal
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. …in reply to @txtdrmahasiswa
    txtdrmahasiswa BBM UDAH GRATIS WEH DI APP STORE DAN PLAY STORE. GAUSAH NGAJAK RIBUT... sayangnya, meme ini udah ga relate di 2022 😭😭😭
  6. masih ingat sama meme ini? sekarang tokopedia sudah menyiapkan (#_ );
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  7. ga bercanda sih, cuman gw perlu ngasih tau txtdrjkt soal hidden gem yang satu ini;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  8. …in reply to @bintangrafdi
    bintangrafdi oke, karena situs langsung redirect ke, situs bisa kita laporin ke CloudflareHelp karena mereka pakai Cloudflare;
  9. …in reply to @jeffmcjunkin
    jeffmcjunkin however, the latter command doesn't work in fish;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  10. leavin' jailbreaks so i can free my memory to do things; hi btw;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  11. …in reply to @sumusiriwardana
    sumusiriwardana ANoorTM as long as it calc()s, it's a programming language; don't ask whether it's turing-complete; even esolangs don't mind about turing-completeness;
  12. …in reply to @codingfess
    codingfess pinginnya light theme sih, cuman bingung cara ganti theme otomatis di vscode (kalau bisa by waktu, bukan by settingan os)
  13. …in reply to @codingfess
    codingfess pertanyaan ini banyak banget ditanya, sampe vs code aja coba ngejawab;
  14. …in reply to @omgubuntu
    omgubuntu @UnDemiCoeurNoir the original typecatcher is now broken (at least in python3.9) due to deprecated methods are being removed, including ElementTree.getiterator() reinhart1010 tried to make a pr to address this, but not sure if this will be accepted:
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  15. yo #hackerfam && #infosec && #osint; img[0] == this is what y'all phishing site looks like, even though it's hosted in indonesia; img[1] == but this is what !false indonesian phishing site looks like (taken down last april✌️, see reinhart1010/1385241871023108099);
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  16. …in reply to @RitaWPurnamasa1
    RitaWPurnamasa1 iqhakim txtdrjkt && one day saat mereka nangis soal itu, mereka bakal tetep jadi preman sejati karena merasa tidak ada cara lain untuk bertahan hidup; bahkan kalau mereka sudah punya anak, mereka ‘kan berkata: “dunia itu keras nak, karena itu lawanlah dengan kekerasan”;
  17. …in reply to @alterine0101
    morkleechan TeamYouTube jadi ini adalah second account, kemungkinan besar awalnya buat bikin konten receh; Tapi menurut gw udah ketauan ya mental si uploader dengan ngeliat komen kek gini; jari tengah lagi...
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  18. …in reply to @codingfess
    codingfess wah kalau $dosa = 0 itu artinya cuman nutupin dosa, harusnya: for ($i = 0; $i < count($dosa), $i++) { print("Maaf ya kalau saya pernah ngelakuin $dosa[$i]"); unset($dosa[$i]); }
  19. …in reply to @alterine0101
    morkleechan jadi... 1. kita bukan ngelawan 1 channel; tapi ngelawan 1 komunitas content creator yang saling keras kepala sambil ngebocorin data pribadi; 2. mereka merasa dengan ngelakuin itu korban bisa jadi trending topic (sebagai unjuk rasa, kek ngelivestream bullying orang);
  20. …in reply to @alterine0101
    morkleechan setelah gw ngeliat judul-judulnya yang ngehina agama apapun gw jamin ga lama lagi dia bakal ngerasa seperti lagu ini:;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  21. …in reply to @alterine0101
    morkleechan dengan ujaran penganjingan yang cukup besar untuk membayar harga sensasi, anda ga bakal masuk ke daftar Silver Play Button, tapi ke KUHP...
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  22. …in reply to @codingfess
    codingfess gimana kalau bikin lagu romantik yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai program kalau dinyaniin di misalnya "andaikan try { this.mencintaimu() } catch (e) { mungkin ku harus fsck diriku untuk ke-i++-kalinya... } "
  23. …in reply to @Steven_mkn
    @Steven1TM MrRobbieCook flaviocopes and comments;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  24. …in reply to @Steven_mkn
    @Steven1TM MrRobbieCook flaviocopes how about JSONN, aka JSON but nicer?
  25. …in reply to @cIoseddoor
    cIoseddoor txtdrprogramer aplikasi kasir, tapi bukan kasir parkir: