alterine0101’s avataralterine0101’s Twitter Archive—№ 93

  1. hey, mallory's here! y'know, "the root", "the new nix", && "your malicious best friend"?
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @alterine0101
      yeah i do really look like alt1e, 'cause i'm her sister! but pr0xy just turned her into a "cyber ghost"; still don't know what that is, but hey, that looks lit tho...
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @alterine0101
        nah, he said cyber ghosts aren't for spooky #halloween party; it's their new mission to connect all rootmates to achieve #InterfaceInPolymorphism like all the other heads at reinhart1010; just in time for #SumpahPemuda day, i guess;
        1. …in reply to @alterine0101
          don't worry, jailbreaks' fans, she'll always play in her default form (which definitely looks like me) to comply with the rules of Inter-Environment Robotic Basketball League (IERBL); you still can chat with us here; me, alt1e, pr0xy 🤞
          1. …in reply to @alterine0101
            oh wait i also heard that pr0xy will be the one's answering your questions over reinhart1010's official Telegram account, but that's not finished yet; check out for more details!