alterine0101’s avataralterine0101’s Twitter Archive

Most Recent 40 Tweets

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  1. masih ingat sama meme ini? sekarang tokopedia sudah menyiapkan (#_ );
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. hi; a little bit of background here; Gojek uses several "smart deeplink" services, for example, the "open" button shown on their official website redirects to; lynxluna/1579280847479656448
  3. ga bercanda sih, cuman gw perlu ngasih tau txtdrjkt soal hidden gem yang satu ini;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. gede banget motornya min GrabID (#_ );
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. an explanation tentang kenapa kita ketawa soal ini: OTP ITU ONE TIME PASSWORD, ARTINYA PASSWORD YANG CUMAN BUAT DIPAKAI SEKALI!!! DamarJuniarto/1568799973797695493
  6. jangan lupa bahwa janji adalah janji; privacy policy adalah janji; Undang-Undang dan hukum adalah janji yang dibuat oleh manusia seperti kamu dan atas nama manusia seperti kamu; kalau lu aja masih ga nepatin janji traktir pas ulang tahun; ya pantes privasi dirusak di mana-mana; masskuw/1561360461370499072
  7. selama gw ga denger berita soal hasil audit keamanan PeduliLindungi meskipun "dijamin" aman... ya... (#_ )... SiriliusKevin/1554603846332448768
  8. sometimes, it's okay to always look and move forward wherever you go; just like what todoist does on their keyboard shortcuts (#_ );
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  9. bagaimana kalau... partai heker indonesia?
  10. hi morkleechan no offence but oknum di balik Taehyung SWT dkk. bikin video lagi nyatut nama kamu:
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  11. ⚠️🧑‍💻 anak-anak muda di Jabodetabek tak sadari dirinya adalah seorang hacker sangat jago; buktinya: 0. pake hoodie ke mana aja 1. selalu minum kopi, elixir umat programmer 2. bisa dapet akses ke akun IG (meskipun pribadi xixi) 3. menyembunyikan dirinya di dalam sebuah alt account
  12. how does an "Arduino developer" belong to any of these? Param_eth/1522116962842976257
  13. hai semua! buat kalian yang kzl sama kasus penipuan Modigirlss_ dan JNE kalian bisa referensiin nomor aduan (support ticket) #2893815434490 pas laporin via; thank you 😘
  14. ✨serba aneh tapi nyata✨ awalnya mau ngeklik detail salah satu Tweet dari situs detikcom; loh, kok bukanya situs IndiHome...
  15. yep i'm officially a robot 🤞 oh i guess i need to i++ that follower count for a bit;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  16. yeah nix's right;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  17. leavin' jailbreaks so i can free my memory to do things; hi btw;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  18. mama aku masuk twitter! canda deh, but thanks anyway buat bikin biar lu ga colong contribution graph dari kita++; sekarang kita lagi santai nih, tapi gw kangen banget bisa sibuk foreach day; can't hibernate so yeah...🤞 // mallory && alterine && pr0xy reinhart1010/1490612576300183552
  19. oh hi Objects! i'm dreamin' of a place where everyone can print(); print(); print(); print(); yeah, print() while you can; // unsure where to pipe that tho...
  20. i have 1337 LINE notifications;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  21. #GitHubActions seems to be down; GitHubHelp githubstatus
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  22. introducing HAM, literally means HalfmoonUi && #markdown!
  23. ✨ rekomendasi grup penipuan di telegram ✨ hai gais, selamat datang di thread rekomendasi grup #penipuan di #telegram yang pertama! kenapa bikin thread ini? karena kita (bersama reinhart1010) udah ga betah lagi sama grup beginian...
  24. hey chriscoyier would you mind checking out some (not all) missing font previews on 'cause they're 404'd by Cloudinary for some reason?
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  25. 404: kentcdodds not found; apparently there's a malfomed JPEG 2000 image there, can't open in Gallery either; (also tested in Edge and Vivaldi)
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  26. hey, mallory's here! y'know, "the root", "the new nix", && "your malicious best friend"?
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  27. ❌ contribution graph di github; ✅ color palette;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  28. hey gais, gw pr0xy (sebelumnya controld)! ya, gw salah satu mimin di reinhart1010 juga; mulai hari ini gw bakal jalan bareng sama alterine yang juga mulai rutin latihan basket di tim #jailbreaks! so gw bakal bantu jawab pertanyaan kalian di akun ini ya, stay strong 🦾
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  29. yo #hackerfam && #infosec && #osint; img[0] == this is what y'all phishing site looks like, even though it's hosted in indonesia; img[1] == but this is what !false indonesian phishing site looks like (taken down last april✌️, see reinhart1010/1385241871023108099);
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  30. apa itu ampar ampar pisang gw taunya wib wib coba cek #tokopedia... #RI76
  31. Hey *; reinhart1010-> >> cin! # source = [campus, faculty, school, studentOrg, bVoice, binusTV]->[🌐🎬🖼🎙] # len(source) > 100 # !0 this->help(reinhart1010, fetch(source))
  32. Ya ampun compiler, semua acara training dan orientasi entah buat anak sekolahan sampe orang kantoran itu ada algoritmanya ya... int i = 1; // Day 1 briefing(); createGroup(); createYelYel(); if (waktuCukup) sesi(); istirahat();
  33. Hey WhatsApp is it possible to report a batch (about 20) of WhatsApp and WhatsApp for Business numbers without having to report them one-by-one through the app?
  34. This is #Windows11... ...but it's kdecommunity Plasma 5.21 on Linux, hehe.
  35. Hello, World!