alterine0101’s avataralterine0101’s Twitter Archive

375 tweets

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⬅️ New ⬆️ 🙂
⬇️ 🙁
  1. masih ingat sama meme ini? sekarang tokopedia sudah menyiapkan (#_ );
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. hi; a little bit of background here; Gojek uses several "smart deeplink" services, for example, the "open" button shown on their official website redirects to; lynxluna/1579280847479656448
  3. ga bercanda sih, cuman gw perlu ngasih tau txtdrjkt soal hidden gem yang satu ini;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. gede banget motornya min GrabID (#_ );
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. an explanation tentang kenapa kita ketawa soal ini: OTP ITU ONE TIME PASSWORD, ARTINYA PASSWORD YANG CUMAN BUAT DIPAKAI SEKALI!!! DamarJuniarto/1568799973797695493
  6. jangan lupa bahwa janji adalah janji; privacy policy adalah janji; Undang-Undang dan hukum adalah janji yang dibuat oleh manusia seperti kamu dan atas nama manusia seperti kamu; kalau lu aja masih ga nepatin janji traktir pas ulang tahun; ya pantes privasi dirusak di mana-mana; masskuw/1561360461370499072
  7. selama gw ga denger berita soal hasil audit keamanan PeduliLindungi meskipun "dijamin" aman... ya... (#_ )... SiriliusKevin/1554603846332448768
  8. sometimes, it's okay to always look and move forward wherever you go; just like what todoist does on their keyboard shortcuts (#_ );
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  9. bagaimana kalau... partai heker indonesia?
  10. hi morkleechan no offence but oknum di balik Taehyung SWT dkk. bikin video lagi nyatut nama kamu:
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  11. ⚠️🧑‍💻 anak-anak muda di Jabodetabek tak sadari dirinya adalah seorang hacker sangat jago; buktinya: 0. pake hoodie ke mana aja 1. selalu minum kopi, elixir umat programmer 2. bisa dapet akses ke akun IG (meskipun pribadi xixi) 3. menyembunyikan dirinya di dalam sebuah alt account
  12. how does an "Arduino developer" belong to any of these? Param_eth/1522116962842976257
  13. hai semua! buat kalian yang kzl sama kasus penipuan Modigirlss_ dan JNE kalian bisa referensiin nomor aduan (support ticket) #2893815434490 pas laporin via; thank you 😘
  14. ✨serba aneh tapi nyata✨ awalnya mau ngeklik detail salah satu Tweet dari situs detikcom; loh, kok bukanya situs IndiHome...


  1. …in reply to @stayynin
    stayynin dikignwn ec9157f7bcb3426 menghanyurkan jangan lupa versi lengkapnya;
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. …in reply to @CheckOutTerus
    CheckOutTerus maroonsprinkle grfce ya ini bukti resi palsu karena aplikasi BRImo pakai font Avenir, tapi si pengirim nambahin data palsu pakai font Roboto; perbedaanya bisa dilihat di angka "6" dan "9";
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. …in reply to @txtdarigajelas
    txtdarigajelas apakah ini marketing stuntnya gopayindonesia?
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. …in reply to @morkleechan
    morkleechan yo turut berduka cita atas kejadian ini, gw ga tau sih tapi apa TeamYouTube juga sering cek komplain bahasa Indonesia? btw dia join 20 desember, bikin konten sejak 2 bulan lalu... jadi sepertinya channel ini udah direncanain sejak awal
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. …in reply to @txtdrmahasiswa
    txtdrmahasiswa BBM UDAH GRATIS WEH DI APP STORE DAN PLAY STORE. GAUSAH NGAJAK RIBUT... sayangnya, meme ini udah ga relate di 2022 😭😭😭
  6. masih ingat sama meme ini? sekarang tokopedia sudah menyiapkan (#_ );
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API

I’ve retweeted other tweets 22 times (5.9%)

Most Retweeted

  1. alterine0101 3 retweets
  2. weirddalle 1 retweet
  3. flaviocopes 1 retweet
  4. _ravimo 1 retweet
  5. FonsMans 1 retweet
  6. lulumeservey 1 retweet
  7. InternetH0F 1 retweet
  8. geovedi 1 retweet
  9. reinhart1010 1 retweet
  10. kotakmakan 1 retweet

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. alterine0101 2 retweets
  2. weirddalle 1 retweet
  3. flaviocopes 1 retweet
  4. _ravimo 1 retweet
  5. FonsMans 1 retweet
  6. lulumeservey 1 retweet
  7. InternetH0F 1 retweet
  8. geovedi 1 retweet
  9. reinhart1010 1 retweet
  10. kotakmakan 1 retweet

Replies and Mentions

83.2% of my tweets are replies (×312)

Most Replies To

  1. codingfess 56 replies
  2. reinhart1010 6 replies
  3. thywaprinsccs 3 replies
  4. resir014 2 replies
  5. masskuw 2 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. codingfess 11 replies
  2. reinhart1010 5 replies
  3. thywaprinsccs 3 replies
  4. masskuw 2 replies
  5. roaringstars 2 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 5 times (1.3%)

77.9% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (102 of 131)

74.7% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (68 of 91)

Top Domains

  1. 33 tweets
  2. 13 tweets
  3. 12 tweets
  4. 10 tweets
  5. 7 tweets
  6. 5 tweets
  7. 3 tweets
  8. 2 tweets
  9. 2 tweets
  10. 2 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. 32 tweets
  2. 13 tweets
  3. 10 tweets
  4. 8 tweets
  5. 7 tweets
  6. 4 tweets
  7. 4 tweets
  8. 3 tweets
  9. 2 tweets
  10. 2 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 55 retweets and ❤️ 445 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 😭 used 9 times on 3 tweets
  2. ✨ used 8 times on 4 tweets
  3. ⭐ used 5 times on 1 tweets
  4. ✌️ used 4 times on 4 tweets
  5. 🤞 used 4 times on 4 tweets

34 unique emoji on 44 tweets (12.5% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. o used 2 times
  2. include used 2 times
  3. jailbreaks used 2 times
  4. ifdef used 2 times
  5. endif used 2 times

30 hashtags on 30 tweets (8.5% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

0 swear words on 0 tweets (0.0% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets